Ludovick Lubérisse @ORI-TAGGART

Age 25, Male

Music, Writing

Montreal Quebec Canada

Joined on 1/27/15

Exp Points:
1,983 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.59 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 4m 1d

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Hey newgrounds world, it's me yours truly!

Jokes aside, I am taking another big hiatus from Newgrounds. Last time I got vague and only mentionned that I had personnal things going on in my life and said that I would only come back had those been fixed. I have failed.

I have been struggling with porn addiction for around a decade. One of my biggest triggers have been this website. I'm not blaming Newgrounds for my addiction, far from that. There are multiple ways instored by the founders and this community to stay away from that sort of content. However, when I came back recently, I wasn't as ready as I made myself believe I was. I have been on and off for a couple of weeks now, stuck in a bit of a decision limbo. Now however, I am fully commiting again to this battle.

This is a journey, a war and a struggle I have to work on and this means leaving Newgrounds until I am fully cleaned up. It might seem extreme to some, but I am prepared.

I have made great progress over the last year, my last hiatus. This time I choose to take this to the next level. This means that you won't see my face around here for the next few months, possibly the next year or so. This is why I want to thank everyone who supported me on this website since 2015. It's been a pleasure releasing music here and I'm forever greatful for the insane moments some of you guys gave me over the years. Thank you so much!

I'm not stopping music obviously and I am coming back to content creation of other kind. Here are my links for those interested:

Of course I will let this account open for anyone who wants to listen to what I did here.

"This is not goodbye forever. This is only goodbye for now." - Jeff Hardy, 2009

Take care people! I'll see you when I see you! ;)


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Recent Game Medals

870 Points

Whiskered Away 50 Points

Get the max attack combo chain

One Throw 25 Points

Kill two enemies with one throw of the sword

*Mildly surprised expression* 5 Points

Die by your own bombs.

iii 50 Points

reach level 3

008 5 Points

Level 8

007 5 Points

Level 7

006 5 Points

Level 6

005 5 Points

Level 5

004 5 Points

Level 4

003 5 Points

Level 3

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Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 26, 2017.